N-PLURAL (职业发展的)均等机会,机会均等 Equal opportunities refers to the policy of giving everyone the same opportunities for employment, pay and promotion, without discriminating against particular groups.
The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all. 该行业的领导们现在必须采取措施促使所有人获得均等机会。
People of all social standings should be given equal opportunities for dialogue 社会各阶层的人们都应该拥有平等的对话机会。
The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all. 该行业的领导们现在必须采取措施促使所有人获得均等机会。
The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer. 警方承诺向所有警员提供均等机会。
Minority groups now have equal opportunities in many areas of education, employment and housing. 少数团体现在在教育,就业及住屋许多方面已有公平的机会。
Two years ago, the Equal Opportunities Commission called on the Government to end discrimination against female indigenous villagers. 平等机会委员会两年前要求政府改善新界女原居民遭歧视的情况。
This year's theme is "Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all". 今年“国际妇女节”的主题是“平等权利、平等机会:共同进步”。
The recruitment and selection process is crucially important to any equal opportunities policy. 招聘和录用程序是公司机会均等政策的关键。
The advert said "we are an equal opportunities employer". 广告上写着“本雇主遵循机会均等原则”。
Competitive mechanism offers everyone equal opportunities to compete with others. 竞争的机制意味着每个人都有均等的竞争机会。
The priority target for equal right to receive education is to provide citizens equal opportunities. 保障平等受教育权的实现迫切要求:确立提供均等机会是平等受教育权的首要目标;
This year, the Commission will step up campaigns to promote equal opportunities for students in schools. 年内,委员会会加强到学校宣扬平等机会的信息。
If entrants wish to exercise such right, please contact the Equal Opportunities Commission. 如对本表格所收集的个人资讯有任可查询,请联络平等机会委员会。
Ideally, everyone would be given equal opportunities. 最理想的是,人人都能有平等的机会。
Given equal opportunities, the twins having identical brains, would have tested roughly the same level of intelligence. 这对双胞胎被提供的机会是相等的,大脑也是相同的,本应测出大体相同的智力水平。
Women are asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion. 妇女们在寻求平等的工作和升职机会。
When equal opportunities to formal, gainful employment within and beyond the agricultural sector is provided, women generate earnings for themselves and their households. 如果妇女能够获得平等机会在农业部门内外从事正式和有偿的工作,就能为自己和家庭带来收入。
Everyone says they are for equal opportunities. 每个人都说赞成机会平等。
Convention concerning equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers: workers with family responsibilities; 有家庭责任的男女工人同等机会同等待遇公约;
Welcome to this e-learning course on equal opportunities in education. 欢迎您修读平等教育机会电子课程。
Giving women equal opportunities to be socially and politically active positively influences laws, policies, and makes institutions more representative of a range of voices. 赋予妇女积极参与社会和政治生活的平等机会,对于法律和政策具有积极的影响,使得制度更广泛地代表各种声音。
The company has an equal opportunities policy. 这家公司的政策是人人机会均等。
He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races. 他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。
The old will obtain equal opportunities from the project as the young. 老年人有项目获得的机会与年轻人没有差别。
ECCO respects equal opportunities and supports abolishment of discrimination in the workplace. ECCO尊重机会平等,支持废除工作场所的歧视。
Prejudice on grounds of race is the most basic denial of equal opportunities. 种族歧视是对机会均等的根本否定。
We have an equal opportunities policy. 我们有机会均等政策。
There is a trend towards equal opportunities for men and women. 现在有一种男女机会均等的趋势。
You'll find details of our equal opportunities policies in the company handbook. 你会在公司手册中找到关到我们的机会均等政策的详细内容。
The area of employment and freedom of choice is strictly limited; it's difficult for them to obtain equal opportunities in employment. 就业范围和选择的自由受到严格的限制,难以获得平等的就业机会。
This is often compounded by social norms that do not give women voice or equal opportunities. 这通常由于不给妇女发言权或平等机会的社会规范而加剧。